How to Stop Your Clothes From Smelling of Vaginas, Bum Cracks, and Testicles
One morning, I had just sat down in my home office, after taking a thorough shower and donning clean clothes, when I smelled something odd. It smelled worse than someone who had not washed for a few…
A Chinese Unicorn (Unintentionally) Shoots Down Medium’s Read Ratio
This started on Saturday January 6, 2018. I was looking at my Medium stats when I noticed that the reads-per-view ratio on one of my stories, entitled I Almost Died. This Is What I learned, was…
Why Men Must Learn to Milk Their Urethral Bulbs
I was in the clinic where I was training to be a therapist. After taking my next client to the room where we would be talking, I left the room briefly to grab some notes and to urinate. After peeing…
A List of 100 Things That Work Really Well
I wrote this list down, and I wanted to share it with you. I could write a whole article, at least, about each of these items, but I wanted to give you this list and see what you think of it. Here…
You Can Become Whatever You Choose
A couple of days ago, I was presenting a research poster at a machine learning conference called ScaledML. Large groups of people were gathering around my poster while I delivered ad-hoc summaries of…
What Is the Lifestyle Challenge?
It’s the eve of the new year. Tomorrow will be 2017. I’m on day 118 of this lifestyle challenge and I realized that there are some things about it that I have not yet explained. A lot of people have…
Why I’ve Started Unfriending and Blocking People
I used to pride myself for never unfriending anyone on Facebook. I just wouldn’t do it. I wanted to show that I would reject no one, that I was perfectly inclusive. When things got really out of…
My Journey Out of Anxiety
Recently, some immensely stressful experiences both in work and in my personal life effectively forced me to start very actively taking care of my mental and physical health. It was just not…
How to Make People Laugh
This is a compact guide to making people laugh in everyday life. This guide is going to teach you how to add real and effective humor to your work meetings, to your presentations, and to your dates…
When Work Is Play
I’ve been noticing how I experience work as play. Throughout the day, I keep a list of things to do, which I then get to check-off as they are completed. If I think of something that I could or…
About Parking Hogs (and Blame in General)
I used to get annoyed by people who parked so that their car took up more than one space, or so that there was no room to park my car in an adjacent space. I used to judge them as being selfish…
How to Learn to Surf
I pick up the board, feeling the sticky wax under my fingertips. I carry it, under my arm, over the soft sand, and wade slowly into the cool water, sometimes feeling a smooth pebble under my toes. I…
How I Write Every Day While Working Full-Time
A while back, a person that I was coaching revealed that he thought that I was a full-time writer. Then yesterday, a friend at work asked me how I was able to write so much while working full-time…
How I Keep My Inboxes Empty
Having an empty inbox, or achieving "inbox zero" as some people refer to it, seems to be a holy grail, a mythical situation that is unattainable in the real world, a hypothetical freedom only…
He Beat My Brother with a Spade While I Did My Engineering Job
I’ve struggled with procrastination all my life and now my 18-year-old son is struggling with it too. I was on the phone with him for five hours yesterday, loving every second of our time together…
Why Does Parallel Parking Always Involve Reversing?
Cindy and I were driving around in the Marina District of San Francisco looking for parking when I noticed someone entering a parallel parking spot nose-first. I said to Cindy, “You know that’s going…
How I Finally Quit Smoking and How to Change Any Behavior
I was at university and I had been smoking cigarettes for years. I was exercising most days and I had begun to notice that my level of fitness seemed to be capped by the smoking. My body and…
What CrossFit Has Given Me
I’ve been doing CrossFit four about six years now. I used to train five or six days per week. More recently, while recovering from illness, I have been training about three times per week. Here are…
Social Time
I’m an mostly an introvert. I’m also a workaholic. Left to my own devices, I would never see anyone. Enter social tracking … I’ve been tracking social time for a month-and-a-half, and I’ve been…
Little Blue Crosses
Morning pages is one of the life bootstrapping practices that I have been using. I have a stack of sheets from doing morning pages for the past six months. It’s something that I have created…
Day 69: Use What You Have
People have asked me the same question I ask myself: why do I share these charts and write these articles? It’s easy for me to look for, find, and express an “acceptable” answer: I want to help and…