Is Bitcoin a Pyramid Scheme?
Cryptocurrencies are important and valuable. Distributed blockchain technology, as pioneered by bitcoin, is important. The future of money really is cryptocurrencies, possibly led by bitcoin. I’ve…
How to Get Rich Slowly (or Quick)
So you want to be rich, huh? I receive many messages from people via LinkedIn and Facebook Messenger asking for my advice on getting rich. Most of these questions come from young men aged between 15…
You Can Become Whatever You Choose
A couple of days ago, I was presenting a research poster at a machine learning conference called ScaledML. Large groups of people were gathering around my poster while I delivered ad-hoc summaries of…
I Won’t Wipe Your Ass for You, and Other Sound Financial Advice
I frequently get messages from people on Facebook Messenger, and through other channels, asking me to give them stuff. Sometimes it’s a house, and sometimes it’s a few hundred grand; what’s a few…
I’m wealthier than ever. Here’s how.
I am painfully introverted. I’m also a workaholic. I can go days, or even weeks, without talking with another person. I dislike being in large groups of people, and much prefer being with just one…
Give Up. You’re Never Going to Arrive
A few nights ago, I was mentoring a younger version of myself. He’s about 15 years younger than me, and driven, and wanting to make a name for himself in the world. When he started at the company…
How I Learned to Invest (Part 1)
I made millions of dollars from being an early employee of NVIDIA, the company that develops the GPUs that are accelerating the current AI-revolution. Though it’s now the eighth largest company in…
What I’ve Learned From Begging For Money
First of all, it’s not begging. It’s giving others the opportunity to partner with us in making the world a better place. It really fucking is. We have such powerfully embedded limiting beliefs…
To Become Wealthy, First Learn to Respect Wealth
“I understand that you really need this laptop,” I said to Bill, “and so I’m willing you help you out. I’ll pay for a new MacBook Pro for you.” Bill smiled with relief, realizing that this tool that…
How I Weather a Bear Market
Prices in the stock markets have been dropping recently. Last night, on Christmas Eve, there was a massive sell-off. According to NPR, this has been the worst December for stocks since 1931. My…
Why You Should Keep Track of Your Financial Accounts, and How
I keep spreadsheets on everything, including my financial accounts. I also regularly reconcile my accounts, which means making my spreadsheets match what the statements say. There is a technique…
Some Thoughts About the Law of Attraction
Here are some thoughts that I recently recorded to share with my son as I introduce him to the law of attraction. I am hoping that he, you, I, we all can learn to utilize the law of attraction more…
What I Learned From Crowdfunding A Film
I started writing this article last week, and, as I wrote, it mutated into a heartfelt expression of our need to address the injustice in our society related to the insidious, often sexual, violence…
Why Self-Directed Investors Can Massively Outperform Professional Money Managers (part 1)
Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve revealed to you how I learned to invest (see part one and part two). Now I wish to address a topic that often comes up in discussions about investing. The person…
How I Learned to Invest (part 2)
This is a follow-on to part one, from last week, in which I covered my path into, and through, index investing. This week, I’ll explain how I became a more capable and sophisticated investor. After…
Why Self-Directed Investors Can Massively Outperform Professional Money Managers (part 2)
Hi! You might want to begin by reading part one, if you haven’t already. Now, let’s get right back into looking at even more asymmetries that favor the self-directed investor over professional money…
How I Finally Got Control of My Money
"I have to thank you for something," my therapist said to me as we were about to sign off at the end of a session.